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Bio & Resume

Keith Soares

A Brief History

My Core Tech Beliefs

One Size Does Not Fit All

Every organization is different, and each one deserves the time and attention to assess its needs accurately and without a predisposition to one technical solution or another. I believe it’s critical to carefully analyze each organization’s needs, requirements, internal skill sets, resources, budget, experience, partnerships, and – most of all – expectations, before determining a technology solution.

No Tech is an Island

Technology that can’t interconnect to other technology is like a person stranded on an island. It can survive in a limited way, perhaps even for a long time, but it isn’t doing everything it can to advance the organization’s cause or meet its needs.

Form and Function are Intertwined

If you’ve ever struggled with the interface to a website or computer program, you understand that the user experience does matter. Any technical solution, whether network, programming code, cloud service, or whatever, eventually will have these warm-blooded walking computers called humans using it. It’s important that the user experience and interface is considered right from the planning stages.

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Et Cetera…

Since all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, I have a number of hobbies and interests outside of the tech world. A glimpse at the back half of my office is pretty enlightening in that regard. I’m a drummer and guitar player, an author of nine novels (and counting), and I have a somewhat unhealthy fascination with Godzilla (the Godzilla painting on my top shelf was done by my youngest kid for my birthday). Other things I’ve been known to spend perhaps way too much time with include The Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Star Trek (TOS), Rush, and I’ve put in quite a few hours building cosplay components for myself and members of my family.